About Jeff Tinsley
The founder and CEO of “the biggest social site you’ve never heard of,” Jeffrey Tinsley has been an Internet businessman longer than many of his site’s users have been alive. A perpetual entrepreneur, for Jeffrey selling his first startup for a nine-figure payday, wasn’t the culmination but the auspicious beginning to a dynamic career in a new and evolving industry.
Jeffrey Tinsley’s professional life started in the typical incubator of the era: his mom’s garage. From that starter office, he built GreatDomains, an early leader in the field of internet domain transactions which eventually drew the attention of web infrastructure giant VeriSign. They eventually agreed to purchase GreatDomains for $100 million. From there, his career has proven that this early success was no fluke at all, but only a sign of what was to come.
Few would forgive Jeffrey Tinsley for slowing down after a life-changing buyout, but that wasn’t what he had in mind. Instead, the results of that transaction fueled the step which would end up making an even greater impact, not only on Jeffrey but on the rapidly growing tech industry as a whole, not to mention a positive impact on the lives of millions.
The then-nascent field of connecting with old friends online was ready for disruption when Jeffrey Tinsley bought HighSchoolAlumni.com. What was once an overlooked listings site soon boasted 30 million registered users, and eventually was spun into MyLife.com, a company that allows people to control their personal information across the web; and at MyLife Jeffrey created the Reputation Score that can now help provide a level of safety and transparency across the web. MyLife.com has garnered media attention from Fox, The Wall Street Journal, BBC, USA Today, and more.
Concurrent with the growth of MyLife, Jeffrey’s company RealtyTracker did for real estate what GreatDomains had done for websites. The business of buying and selling homes online wasn’t quite mainstream until Jeffrey and the company’s tools brought the industry into the 21st century. In short order, RealtyTracker was snapped up by marketing industry leader Guthy-Renker, which incorporated their transaction service into their conglomeration of products and services.
Jeffrey Tinsley’s brand-building resume doesn’t end there. In 2009, he founded MediaPass, a B2B platform through which publishers can make the most of their audience and a business-friendly method to attract and retain subscribers. In an environment where piracy runs rampant, MediaPass helps content creators like CBS, Ogden Newspapers, and many more ensure their hard work is rewarded through legitimate subscriptions.
Investing in promising assets is about more than buying low and selling high. The best investment of all, for Jeffrey Tinsley, is in making the business world a better place for others to learn and grow. Jeffrey finds his greatest professional fulfillment in helping shape the successes of the next generation of leaders, through mentorship and thoughtful advice. As a veteran of online business for 25 years, there’s much that Jeffrey can share with tomorrow’s entrepreneurs.
Jeffrey Tinsley’s acumen has been recognized by Ernst & Young, who named him Entrepreneur of the Year in 2009. When not managing his businesses, Jeffrey enjoys the outdoors and spending time with his family.